Licensed to Represent Taxpayers in all 50 States


7 Tax Relief Strategies for Freelancers

7 Tax Relief Strategies for Freelancers

As the gig economy continues to thrive, more individuals are embracing freelance work as their primary source of income. While freelancing offers plenty of flexibility and independence, it also comes with unique tax responsibilities and challenges. Freelancers are...

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Insights Into the Origins of Tax Debt

Insights Into the Origins of Tax Debt

Tax debt can be a daunting burden for individuals and businesses alike, with consequences that can spiral out of control if left unaddressed. It's common for individuals to wonder how they ended up in their current tax debt predicament, so let's look into the tax debt...

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How the IRS Operates and How Tax Relief Can Help

How the IRS Operates and How Tax Relief Can Help

Tax collection is one of the main ways in which the government can generate revenue. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) serves as the primary agency responsible for collecting the taxes, enforcing tax laws, and ensuring taxpayers stay compliant. Behind the scenes, the...

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Lien vs. Levy: Deciphering Tax Terminology

Lien vs. Levy: Deciphering Tax Terminology

Taxes can be complex and overwhelming. When back tax debt comes into the picture, things can get a bit more complicated and stressful. If you fail to pay your back taxes, two terms often surface: "lien" and "levy." These terms have specific meanings and consequences...

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7 Reasons Taxpayers Get An IRS Audit

7 Reasons Taxpayers Get An IRS Audit

Facing an IRS audit is a daunting experience. The idea of having your financial records scrutinized by the most feared collection agency, the IRS, can shake anyone to their core. The cost in both time and money can seem never-ending. Understanding the top reasons...

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8 Common IRS Tactics You Need To Know

8 Common IRS Tactics You Need To Know

The IRS is known for its formidable reputation when it comes to collecting taxes and pursuing non-compliant taxpayers. However, there are common misconceptions about the extent of their powers and the severity of the tactics they can pose. In this article, we'll shed...

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